In Team of Teams, McChrystal and his coauthors show how the challenges they faced are relevant to countless businesses and organizations today, no matter the industry or sector. In periods of unprecedented crisis, leaders need management practices that can scale to thousands of people with speeds previously unrealized. By giving small groups the freedom to experiment, execute, and share what they learn across the entire organization, teams can respond more quickly, communicate more freely, and make better and faster decisions.
A decade later, the book has been used by countless executives and leaders to reshape organizations of all sizes to operate with more adaptability, agility, and collaboration. Drawing on compelling examples, Team of Teams makes the case for merging the power of a large corporation with the agility of a small team to transform any organization.
We've put together a summary guide to compliment the book for readers, or to get a better understanding of its core tenets and principles before reading. The guide is available for download below, and you can find additional resources to get your team moving faster and smarter here.