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Weekly Whiteboard / Chief of Staff Resource
Jan 26, 2022

The Power of the "5 Whys"

Written by: Cricket Oles



Challenges and issues arise daily in any organization. As leaders, it's tempting to jump into action, mobilize resources, and apply quick fixes. However, as Cricket Oles, a partner at McChrystal Group and former Chief of Staff, highlights, true problem-solving requires a more thoughtful approach.

Cricket shares her experience of learning to slow down and not react impulsively when faced with an issue. Instead of immediately throwing resources at the problem, she applies the "Five Whys" technique—a popular method of root cause analysis. This technique involves asking "Why?" five times to uncover the underlying cause of a problem before taking action.

In her role, time is often a luxury. Detailed analysis isn't always possible, but the Five Whys method offers a practical way to ensure that efforts are directed toward addressing the real issue rather than just the symptoms.

By pausing and systematically questioning the situation, Cricket ensures that her team's energy and resources are applied effectively, leading to more sustainable solutions. This approach not only helps solve the problem at hand but also prevents similar issues from arising in the future.

The Five Whys technique is valuable for any leader looking to make more informed decisions and drive lasting change within their organization.

Asking the 5 Whys

Cricket shares how everyone can leverage asking the five whys to truly understand the root problem before just applying resources or energy towards solving the wrong issue.